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  • Creating a New Project
    Role: Tenant Admin // Status: Logged in From your tenant dashboard, click on your Clients tab Select your existing client that the new project will be for or create a new client for the project Here you will see your client details. You can manage your client from here (change the name, timezone), and view projects. Manage Client: Create a New Project A modal will open and here is where you enter project information Name*: This is the Project Name that will carry through the project Identifier*: This is an abbreviation of the Project Name, used as a unique identifier for this particular project. Each action item on this project will have an ID that starts with this identifier. Delivery Type: This is the construction delivery method CM at Risk Design Bid Build Design Build Integrated Project Timezone*: This is very important. All meeting times and due times will be tied to this timezone. Owner: If you have worked with this particular Owner in the past, and their information is already in your database within SWAP PM, it will pull this information and give you past Owners to choose from. If not, you can leave this blank. Project Admin(s): If you have team members already added to this platform for this Client, this modal will give you a dropdown list to choose from. A project admin has enhanced access and responsibility to modify and change any and all information in this particular project. Next to the Scheduling tab — here you can enter your known project schedule, either with a start and an end date or with a start date and the duration (number of weeks) for the phase. You can add new or delete pre-populated phases. This information can be changed later. If you have used this platform on a previous project, you will have a database of Teams and Users to pull from. If not, skip ahead to Lanes. These Lanes are pre-set “Housekeeping” lanes that we set up for almost every project. These lanes are at the top of the grid. Select these lanes (orange arrow) and send them over to Project Lanes (by clicking at the red arrow). You do not need to select any of these lanes, but it will make the setup faster if you do. CRITICAL PATH: This lane filters all action items that are marked as CRITICAL PATH for the project into this lanes. MEETINGS: This lane filters all meetings that are created in the project. Regardless of who is invited to participate in these meetings, they will live in the MEETINGS lane. Once you are done selecting your Project Lanes and select Next, you will be asked if you are ready to complete your project. Select Create Project to close out of the wizard and be taken to your new Project Dashboard. You can go back and edit your project in the wizard by clicking on a section (Project, Scheduling, Teams, Users, or Lanes). You can edit all of this information after your project has been created. Project Dashboard
  • Adding a team, discipline, or phase
    Role: Tenant Admin // Status: Logged in To add a Team From your Project dashboard, click on the Teams tab Add a New Team Type the company name Select a Discipline — if Discipline cannot be found, navigate to “Add a new discipline”. There is an inherited color assigned to the discipline. If desired, a new color can be chosen by selecting the palette or eyedropper icon. Click on “Save” To add a Discipline: From your Project dashboard, click on the Discipline tab Add a New Discipline Type the Long Name of the Discipline Type the Short Name of the Discipline (abbreviation) Optional: Add a Description for the Discipline Select a Color for the Discipline using the palette or eyedropper tool Click on “Save” Refresh the browser to reset and confirm the new Discipline To add a Phase: From your Project dashboard, click on the Phases tab Add a New Phase Give the Phase a Name Optional: Select a Parent Phase Set the Phase Duration by weeks (total duration) or dates (start and end date) Assign a Color to the phase by selecting the palette or eyedropper tool Click on Save Phase Open Grid to see the new Phase in the project timeline
  • Assign users to a Team
    Role: Tenant Admin // Status: Logged in From your Project dashboard, click on the Teams tab Click on the Team in which users will be added/assigned Select Users Add a User If the user has been verified in the platform, their name will be displayed once it is typed If the user has not been verified, enter the user's email address and click on “Create new user” Type in the user's email, first and last name Click on Create User The new user will now be listed in the Team
  • Views
    Role: Tenant Admin, Project Admin, Team Member // Status: Logged in You can view the grid in multiple ways, showing different levels of fidelity. The default view is the Days View, which gives you the most information about a task in one view. This view is best used for reviewing current tasks. This view shows just over (1) week of work.
  • Create a task, meeting, review
    Role: Tenant Admin // Status: Logged in To create a task: From your Project dashboard, click on Open Grid to enter into the project timeline if not already there. The timeline will automatically open in the Days view. Navigate to the lane in which tasks will be added and expand the lane by clicking on the black arrow. Hover over any given day to view the “Add” icon. Tasks can be added on the day they are due or can be added to any day and adjusted later. Click on “Add”. Click on “Add”, then Create Task. This will open the “drawer” window on the right hand side. Give the task a Title and be as specific as possible. Optional: Add a description for clarification and/or task updates. Assign a user. Note: users must be assigned to teams ahead of time. Add a workflow. Note: workflows must be added ahead of time. See FAQ #9 for more information about workflows. Assign the task to a phase. If the task is critical, check Critical Path. Optional: Set a due time. Click on Save Action Item. The task will now show up on the timeline. To create a meeting: From your Project dashboard, click on Open Grid to enter into the project timeline if not already there. The timeline will automatically open in the Days view. Navigate to the lane in which meetings will be added and expand the lane by clicking on the black arrow. Hover over any given day to view the “Add” icon. Meetings can be added on the day they are due or can be added to any day and adjusted later. Click on “Add”. Click on “Add”, then Create Meeting. This will open the “drawer” window on the right hand side. Give the Meeting a Title and be as specific as possible. Select a Meeting Type. For more information on the different meeting types, reference FAQ #8. Assign Teams/attendees of the meeting. Once team members are assigned, this meeting will be visible in each team members’ lane. Optional: Add a description for the agenda and/or meeting updates. Assign a user. Note: users must be assigned to teams ahead of time. Add a workflow. Note: workflows must be added ahead of time. See FAQ #9 for more information about workflows. Assign the meeting to a phase. If the meeting is critical, check Critical Path. Uncheck “Time is TBD” and add a start and end time. Click on Save Meeting. The meeting will now show up on the timeline. To create a review: From your Project dashboard, click on Open Grid to enter into the project timeline if not already there. The timeline will automatically open in the Days view. Navigate to the lane in which tasks will be added and expand the lane by clicking on the black arrow. Hover over any given day to view the “Add” icon. Reviews can be added on the day they are due or can be added to any day and adjusted later. Click on “Add”, then Create Review. This will open the “drawer” window on the right hand side. Give the Review a Title and be as specific as possible. Assign a Color using the palette or eyedropper tool. Using the eyedropper tool, you can select any color on the screen. Optional: Add a description. Assign a user. Note: users must be assigned to teams ahead of time. Add a workflow. Note: workflows must be added ahead of time. See FAQ #9 for more information about workflows. Assign the review to a phase. Give the review a Start and End date. The end date is when the item is due. If the review is critical, check Critical Path. Click on Save Review. The review will now show up on the timeline.
  • What is a workflow? How do I add them? How do I assign it to a task/meeting/review? How do I search for a workflow?
    Role: Tenant Admin //Status: Logged in What is a workflow? A workflow is a tool to organize like-minded tasks. For instance, if you have multiple tasks related owner decisions, you could tag every owner decision as such. Workflows are an organized, recommended way to make complicated tasks easily visible. See the images below for examples. Your SWAP Project Manager can make suggestions for the best workflows for your project. How do I add a workflow to my project? In your project dashboard, click on the Workflow tab Click on “New Workflow” Give the workflow a name Optional: Give the workflow an “Icon” or an abbreviated version of the name. Assign a color to the workflow. You can select a color with the palette or eyedropper tool. Click on “Save” How do I assign a workflow to a task, meeting, or review? Click on the task, meeting, or review by double-clicking on the three dots in the bottom right corner of the task. This will open up the drawer. In the task Drawer, navigate to Workflow. Click the up/down arrow and select a workflow to be added. Multiple workflows can be assigned to an item. Click on the green arrow to save. How do I search for a workflow? In the project timeline, Click on the drawer. Click on the Filter icon. Navigate to the “Workflows” option. Select the Workflow you would like to filter. Click on “Filter”. The timeline will now show only items that have the selected workflow assigned to them. See the before and after images below. You can adjust your view to “Weeks”, “Months”, or open up the “Overview” to see a wider view of the grid. See the next step to reset the view. BEFORE AFTER To reset the view, open the drawer and click on the filter icon. Navigate to the bottom of the panel and click on “Reset”. See images below for a before and after example. BEFORE AFTER


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